Victor Is Back, Intent on Deifying Himself by Building a New Race while Humans are Relying on a Monster to Save Them!

— feeling ashamed
Frankenstein: Prodigal Son - Scott Brick, Kevin J. Anderson, Dean Koontz



Okay, so I am going to divide this review into the types of characters that were in the book:



Human Monster

When the manicure was complete, he exfoliated the skin of her perfect hands with an aromatic mixture of almond oil, sea salt, and essence of lavender (his own concoction), which he massaged onto her palms, the backs of the hands, the knuckles, the fingers. Finally, he rinsed each hand, wrapped it in clean white butcher paper, and sealed it in a plastic bag. As he placed the hands in the freezer, he said, “I’m so happy you’ve come to stay, Elizabeth.”


This guy turned into a serial killer who wanted to "create" the perfect woman from the parts he harvested off of other women.




Synthetic Monster

Harker was Hyde out of Jekyll, Quasimodo crossed with the Phantom of the Opera, minus the black cape, minus the slouch hat, but with a dash of H. P. Lovecraft.


Harker was created and not borne.He wanted to cut open happy humans, looking for the gland that he lacked but made them happy. In the end, he evolved to produce a Total Recall-ish creature that protruded from his belly and controlled his mind.





The Biggest Monster of Them All

 “Time to work, Karloff.” No one could say that Victor Helios, alias Frankenstein, was a humorless man. In the head, the eyes opened. They were blue and bloodshot.


 “I have given you a life,” he said. “Remember that. I have given you a life, and I will choose what you do with it.”


Victor Frankenstein has come to think he is god and is busy creating a New Race that is free from human compunctions, such as morals, shame, pity, and faith. The first quote of his is said to a head floating in amniotic fluid. The head is not really alive or dead. The second quote is from when he's done cloning his wife for the fifth time.




Mostly Human

“My hands were taken from a strangler,” he said. “My eyes from an ax murderer. My life force from a thunderstorm. And that strange storm gave me gifts that Victor couldn’t grant.


The original monster that Victor created. In this book, he takes the name Deucalion, and seems more human than the so-called humans could ever be!





The Humans 

“I’m sorry I’m such a mess,” she said. “No problem,” Carson assured her. “I’m afraid to leave here. Every time I think I just can’t puke again, I do.” “I love this job,” Michael told Carson.


 She wanted to shoot him accidentally. As if reading her mind, Michael said, “A gun can always go off accidentally, but you’d have to explain why you drew it in the first place.”


 “You sound like your father’s a safety engineer or something.” “You know he’s a safety engineer,” Michael said. “What’s a safety engineer do, anyway?” “He engineers safety.”


Two human cops, Michael and Carson, are trying to contain Victor's mess. Deucalion lends a helping hand when he can. While Victor remembered to deny relief via suicide or the ability to harm their creator to his creations, he certainly made not murdering others a part of their genetic makeup!


I loved how the author used Michael to bring humor to situations that would otherwise be really really horrifying!






Now for the Nitpicking

You know those run of the mill cop dramas that we have all read so many times? This was one of them. Secondly, Victor was shown to be the villain in this version. However, it will take more than just a side note about him having lived for a long time, been everywhere, and done it all that turned him into this unfeeling thing. Thirdly, while we are shown glimmers of humanity within the "monsters", Victor is supposed to be all-evil, without even a shred of humanity in him. Lastly, the two human cops are likeable yes, but they have no personalities.






To conclude, I am not saying I didn't like this book. I did! I will even read the other books in the series. However, there are so many awesomer books to read out there, why spend time on this one?





More information on Project Frankenstein