Tropical Ocean Ursula
Tropical Ocean Ursula
Coral Reef Ursula
Coral Reef Ursula
Open Ocean Ursula
Open Ocean Ursula
Pelagic Ocean Ursula
Pelagic Ocean Ursula
Deep Ocean Ursula
Deep Ocean Ursula


Coral Reef Ursula

"Though it’s totally adorable and tiny, the blue-ringed octopus is definitely one of the most deadly cephalopods out there. One bite from this creature and you’re probably dead. DEAD."


Open Ocean Ursula

"Glass octopuses are almost entirely transparent, which makes it easier for them to live in an environment where there isn’t much to hide behind."


Pelagic Ocean Ursula

"Immune to the venomous sting of jellyfish, blanket octopuses can actually rip the stingers off of jellyfish and attach them to their own bodies. And we all know dismembering a creature is totally something Ursula would do."


Deep Ocean

"...they are similar in length to sperm whales (about 40 feet); that sperm whales like to eat them; and because colossal squids don’t really want to be eaten, colossal squids and sperm whales are constantly battling it out."


I love the pictures but I think I would have loved them more had there been more science to go along with them.


#TheLittleMermaid #Ursula #Villains #VillainsThatRock #Buzzfeed #CthulhuWillRise
