How to enter giveaways on BookLikes

Reblogged from BookLikes:


Since we've received several questions concerning the giveaways, here's a quick reminder how to enter and request the books on BookLikes.


Giveaways are presented on the Giveaways page (menu->Giveaways).



The giveaways on BookLikes are free - you can run your giveaway or/and request to win the giveaway free of charge. 



Hey, I'm not a BookLikes member yet!

If you'd like to request the book and have a chance to win your own copy, you should follow the steps:


1. Register to BookLikes (make sure to verify your BookLikes account with the  verification code - it will be e-mailed to you)

2. Add 11 books to your bookshelf (use the search box and +Shelf, or click the book cover and +Shelf on Dashboard, Book Catalog, Explore)

3. Publish at least one post on your blog

4. Go to the Giveaways page, pick a book and request

3. Good luck! Wait for a notification that you've won a book. 


Please remember that the blog and bookshelf information matter when choosing the giveaway winners, make sure to fill them up according to your reading preferences.


Hey, I am already on BookLikes!

Hi five! If your bookshelf and blog is filled up, he to-do list is short. 


1. Log into BookLikes

2. Go to the Giveaways page, pick a book and request

3. Good luck! Wait for a notification that you've won a book

Pssst. If your bookshelf and blog is empty, please follow the steps for BookLikes newbies above.


When requesting e-books and audio-books: Remember to confirm your e-mail address. The e-book/audio-book will be sent to this address. 


Type in why you want to win this book, and request.


Check if your e-mail is up-to-date and request a book.


When requesting the paper books: Remember to type in your up-to-date postal address. The book will be sent to this address. 


Type in your postal address and request a book.



Now you're all set to request the books - click the cover and request:




and more giveaways


Check our Giveaway know-how post: Giveaways: win free books and give your titles away